Þessi síða fjallar um hvernig vafrakökur eru notaðar af þessari síðu. Ef þú heldur áfram að nota þessa síðu, samþykkir þú notkun okkar á vafrakökum.
Kökur eru litlar textaskrár sem eru geymdar á tölvunni þinni í vafranum þínum að beiðni síðu sem þú ert að skoða. Þetta gerir síðunni sem þú ert að skoða að muna hluti um þig, eins og kjörstillingar þínar og feril eða halda þér innskráðri.
Kökur gætu verið geymdar á tölvunni þinni í stuttan tíma (svo sem aðeins meðan vafrinn þinn er opinn) eða í langan tíma, jafnvel ár. Vafrakökur sem ekki eru settar af þessari síðu verða okkur ekki aðgengilegar.
Þessi síða notar vafrakökur fyrir ýmislegt, þar á meðal:
Þetta eru helstu vafrakökur sem við setjum við venjulega notkun hugbúnaðarins.
Viðbótarkökur kunna að vera stilltar meðan á notkun síðunnar stendur til að muna upplýsingar þegar verið er að framkvæma ákveðnar aðgerðir, eða muna ákveðnar óskir.
Aðrar vafrakökur kunna að vera settar af þjónustuaðilum þriðju aðila sem geta veitt upplýsingar eins og að rekja nafnlaust hvaða notendur eru að heimsækja síðuna eða settar af efni sem er fellt inn á sumar síður, svo sem YouTube eða aðrar fjölmiðlaþjónustuveitur.
Stjórnun á vafrakökum og stillingum fyrir vafrakökur verður að fara fram innan valkosta/valkosta vafrans þíns. Hér er listi yfir leiðbeiningar um hvernig á að gera þetta fyrir vinsælan vafrahugbúnað:
Til að læra meira um vafrakökur og finna frekari upplýsingar um að loka á ákveðnar tegundir vafrakökum skaltu fara á Vefsíða ICO vefkökur.
Nafn | Purpose |
Essential cookies | |
Þessar vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar til að virkja kjarnavirkni eins og öryggi, netstjórnun og aðgengi. Þú mátt ekki hafna þessum. | |
xf___crossTab | This local storage item is used to store information used to communicate across tabs, such as the current cross-site request forgery token. |
xf_cacheKey | This local storage item is used to store the cache key used for offline storage items. |
xf_consent | This cookie is used to store a user's cookie consent preferences. |
xf_csrf | This cookie is used to store a user's cross-site request forgery token, preventing other applications from making malicious requests on the user's behalf. |
xf_dbWriteForced | This cookie is used to indicate that the request should be completed using the database write server. |
xf_editorDisabled | This local storage item is used to store whether or not a user has the rich text editor enabled. |
fr-copied-html | This local storage item is used to store a user's copied rich text when pasting into the text editor. |
fr-copied-text | This local storage item is used to store a user's copied plain text when pasting into the text editor. |
xf_guestUsername | This local storage item is used to store a guest user's username. |
xf_inline_mod_* | These cookies are used to store a user's currently selected inline moderation items. |
xf_language_id | This cookie is used to store a user's selected language. |
xf_lbSidebarDisabled | Þessi staðbundna geymsluhlutur er notaður til að geyma hvort sem notandi hefur skipt á hliðarstikunni á ljósakassa eða ekki. |
xf_ls | This cookie is used to store a user's local storage contents in the event their browser does not support the native local storage mechanism. |
xf_multiQuote* | These local storage items are used to store a user's multi-quote selections. |
xf_notice_dismiss | This cookie is used to store a user's dismissed notices. |
xf_push_history_user_ids | This local storage item is used to store which users on this device have enabled push notifications. |
xf_push_notice_dismiss | This cookie is used to determine whether or not a user has dismissed the push notification notice. |
xf_push_subscription_updated | This cookie is used to determine if a user's push subscription preferences have been updated. |
xf_session | This cookie is used to store a user's session identifier. |
xf_style_id | This cookie is used to store a user's selected style. |
xf_tfa_trust | This cookie is used to determine if a user has previously chosen to trust this device without requiring further two-step verification for a period of time. |
xf_toggle | This cookie and local storage item are used to store a user's preferences for toggling various controls open or closed. |
xf_user | This cookie is used to store a user's "remember me" token, allowing their credentials to persist across multiple sessions. |
xf_visitorCounts | Þessi staðbundni geymsluhlutur er notaður til að geyma fjölda ólesinna beinna skilaboða og tilkynninga notanda. |
Optional cookies | |
Við bjóðum upp á aukna virkni fyrir vafraupplifun þína með því að setja þessar vafrakökur. Ef þú hafnar þeim verður aukin virkni ekki tiltæk. | |
xf_emoji_usage | This cookie is used to store which emojis a user has recently used when composing a message. |
xf_from_search | This cookie is used to track when a user has arrived on the site from a search engine. |
Third-party cookies | |
Cookies set by third parties may be required to power functionality in conjunction with various service providers for security, analytics, performance or advertising purposes. | |
Apple Music | These cookies are set by Apple Music, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Bluesky | These cookies are set by Bluesky, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Dailymotion | These cookies are set by Dailymotion, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
These cookies are set by Facebook, and may be used for displaying embedded content. | |
Flickr | These cookies are set by Flickr, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Giphy | These cookies are set by Giphy, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Imgur | These cookies are set by Imgur, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
These cookies are set by Instagram, and may be used for displaying embedded content. | |
Meta | These cookies are set by Meta, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
These cookies are set by Pinterest, and may be used for displaying embedded content. | |
These cookies are set by Reddit, and may be used for displaying embedded content. | |
SoundCloud | These cookies are set by SoundCloud, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Spotify | These cookies are set by Spotify, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
TikTok | These cookies are set by TikTok, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Tumblr | These cookies are set by Tumblr, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Twitch | These cookies are set by Twitch, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
cookie_consent.third_party_label_twitter | cookie_consent.third_party_description_twitter |
Vimeo | These cookies are set by Vimeo, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
YouTube | These cookies are set by YouTube, and may be used for analytics, verifying legitimate traffic, or other embedded content. |